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Home > Travel Canada > Canada Attractions > The Pacific Rim National Park: Nature Itself!
The Pacific Rim National Park: Nature Itself!
Pacific Rim National Park is an out-of-this world national park encompassed in a 511 Km² area comprising land and ocean. This national park is made up of three main separate regions which are the West Coast Trail, the Broken Group Islands and Long Beach. It is situated on the West Vancouver Island, British Columbia, which is constitutes a great destination by itself. It is estimated than more than one million visitors go to the region annually just to admire the natural beauty it offers. The significance of this park goes beyond mere natural richness since it was formerly inhabited by the Nuu-chah-nulth people for many centuries.
With regards to access, Long Beach is the first one of all the three regions. It boasts 94 campsites, and it is famous for allowing tourists to enjoy beach-combing and watching wildlife. The Broken Group Islands is a particular region since more than 100 small islets and islands make it up. They make 8 camp areas available. Finally, the West Coast Trail constitutes a 75 Km trail that was initially built up in order to contribute rescuing shipwrecked sailors. Among the most noticeable sights the trip offers, you are able to take a look to the largest tree in the entire Canada and a gigantic Sitka Spruce.
In addition, you have plenty of really nice and exciting activities at your disposal in the Pacific Rim National Park, including outdoor adventure possibilities. In this sense, you are able to choose among camping, kayaking, canoeing, cycling, mountain biking, diving, fishing, backpacking, hiking, windsurfing, surfing, whale watching and taking pleasure in whale festivals. So, you can be sure that you will never feel bored at this paradisiacal place. Furthermore, Pacific Rim National Park is the only national park in Vancouver that provides protection for rain forests and a stunning marine environment. However, there is a lot to see regarding fauna since this national park houses a wide-ranging variety of fish species, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and birds. Thus, do not you agree with the fact that this is one of the most incredible attractions of the world?
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