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Tactile 3D Brings Virtual Reality a Step Closer
Tactile 3D, the immersive 3D content management system for desktop computers, provides a unique and efficient environment for organizing music and photo collections. The latest release offers new abilities to help quickly identify and arrange digital content such as CD audio tracks and image files.
Vancouver, BC (PRWEB) February 7, 2006 -- The latest release of Tactile 3D adds improved support for manipulating and organizing audio files and other digital content; all within a visually rich 3D environment. Support for web-based CD database servers allows Tactile 3D to display album, year, track, and artist when an audio CD is inserted. All of the information is available within the 3D world, making it easier to organize and identify songs. Additional audio related improvements include the ability to play an entire disc and mute environmental sound effects while listening to audio tracks.
The benefits of using Tactile 3D for both off-line and on-line content organization are easily stated,
"Since custom positions and the sorting arrangement is remembered for each CD or DVD separately, your music files or other off-line content can be organized differently for each disc. For example, if a CD album has only two songs you like, you can position those songs away from the rest. The next time you pop in that particular disc, Tactile 3D will display those two favorites exactly where you left them."
Improvements were not limited to audio; the control system can now be adjusted to the user's preference. If a user wants to move around the environment more quickly, the control speed may be increased. Another setting for responsiveness allows motion to be smoother or more immediate.
Adjusting rotation rates is also possible allowing the smallest mouse displacement to cause a turn, or, conversely, a larger no-movement zone for more accurate selection of files and directories. These abilities to tune the control system in real-time make navigating the 3D environment fast and efficient.
With these improvements, along with a new user manual and integrated options help system, Tactile 3D has become a powerful alternative to traditional content management systems.
About Upper Bounds Interactive Inc:
Upper Bounds Interactive Inc. is a privately owned software development company based in Vancouver, BC. The development team consists of software engineers and artists with a long and varied history in the console and PC video game industry. The Company was formed for the sole purpose of developing and publishing Tactile 3D and remains focused on that goal.
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